About Us

Overlooking the Dhauladhar range is the small village of Chhatri, home to over 5 educational institutions – none of which existed until 4 years ago. Back then this was a village populated – densely with forests and scarcely with humans. As Chhatri loses its quiet ways, change is the only constant and we are in the middle of it.

At De-layer, students collaborate to give you a bird’s eye view of life in the lap of Himalayas, where they write from.

As of now, everything except maybe an atom’s nuclei can be de-layered (though Photoshop might even succeed in that). Sometimes one may de-layer a story ‘to conclude’ ‘in a nutshell’, arrive at the ‘crux of the matter’ or ‘get to the core’ and ‘find the truth’. There is no escaping this kind of hard-work - innocent writers become reporters ready to kill the story before curiosity kills the cat.

Certain other stories may speak nothing of truth or lessons or issues, yet we like them. Beware of the feature! De-layering such stories can be a continuous, sometimes endless process – possibly leading to the reader’s soft spot.

Join us to de-layer even a slice of life, to savour the spice of life.

Let's de-layer, inside out.

You can send us your views, suggestions and queries at -

> editoratdelayer@gmail.com

> deskatdelayer@gmail.com

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