Thursday, May 1, 2014

'Public Relations – Shifting Paradigms'

by Arjita 

Indian Institute of Mass Communication (I.I.M.C.) faculty, Prof. J. Jethwani delivered a workshop on ‘Public Relations – Shifting Paradigms’ at the C.U.H.P. on February 19-20, 2014. Here is what she shared with us, in a nutshell - 

Prof. Jethwaney (centre) receives bouquet from
Pro-VC Y. S. Verma. Dr. Rabindranath (right) looks on
What is Public Relations (PR)? 
The DNA of journalism is objectivity, of the legal system is justice, of medicine is health. The DNA of PR is not objectivity or manipulation. It is not ‘relation with the public’. Its DNA is advocacy (of the client). PR is the art and science of managing an image professionally. It aims to occupy a share of the mind. It is a source of information for the media, and is technology driven. “What is hidden is news, the rest is PR.” 

"Walter Lippman says that news is not the truth or the mirror of society; at best it spotlights certain facets of reality or life."

+ Johnson & Johnson’s management of the Tylenol Crisis was good and timely – the incident also led to the birth of new packaging of tablets - the ‘strip’.
+ Congress’s advertising teaches that PR should be pro-active rather than reactive.