Friday, September 26, 2014

Eve Teasing rampant in Chattri bus stop near Central University of Himachal Pradesh

by Priya Yadav

For representation only (Photo Credit: pee vee)

Anjali *, a 21-year-old student, decided never to go alone to PG. She took that decision because what she thought a matter of only metro cities ,happened with her. One day on her way to PG , she found that two boys on bike were stalking her. As quoted by her ,”The two boys were following me. They stopped at one point and gazed at me and when I crossed them , again they started their bike and stopped at some distance and were continuously looking at me . “

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Pandit brothers at Shimla Classical Music Festival

(Photographs by Kuldeep Singh)

The Pandit brothers, Rajan and Sajan Mishra performing at the concluding session of the five day Shimla Classical Music Festival at Gaiety Theater in Shimla. 

During the two and half hour long performance, they enchanted the audience with classical compositions and bhajans. The music maestros were performing in Gaiety after a gap of 30 years.