Thursday, March 27, 2014

Positive Attitude: Winning Comic Strip on disability

By Richa and Sugandha Sharma
"Positive Attitude" created by Richa and Sugandha on the theme Disability

 A comic strip on disability made by the students of the School of Journalism, Mass Communication and New Media during the two day orientation cum training program organized at the Central University of Himachal Pradesh. 

We will soon keep you posted with other comic strips from the workshop.

Two day Oreintation Programme on Media and Accessibility concludes at CUHP

By Student Reporter

world comics, cuhp, journalism department, Central University of Himachal Pradesh Activities,
Students setting up the comics for exhibition as a session progress at the orientation programme

The two day orientation cum training program on Media and Accessibility organised by the School of Journalism, Mass Communication and New Media, Central University of Himachal Pradesh in collaboration with Ali Yavar Jung National Institute of Hearing & Handicapped concluded here today with an exhibition of comic strips made by students during the two day workshop, on themes related to disability issues. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

"Palanquins of Gods" made the Himachali Mandi Shivratri Fair color full....sneak peak is here

                By Ankush Kumar
Photo Credits-Ankush Kumar
Mandi Shivratri is a major cultural festival of Himachl Pradesh. Here, watch a sneak peek of the Shivratri festivities in 2014 in the promo of "The Pride of Madho Rao", a documentary produced by Ankush Kumar, Ajay Singh and Gaurav Mandyal on Madho Rao, a major deity of the festival. 

Stay Tuned, as we will soon post the full documentary on our YouTube channel soon. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Changing opinions in whispers

whispering illustration, secrets
Secret whispers...
(Photo Credit: Wikimedia)

By Mohd.Zubair
Elections are an essential feature of democracy. The chief aim of elections is to choose the best person out of a whole lot. Preparations for the elections are made months in advance. A very keen election for the state assembly was contested in my hometown this very year. 

On the Election Day, camps were arranged at all the centres. The propaganda wasn’t noisy; instead individual, quiet approaches were being made. Every candidate was making his best effort. The supporters were busy trying to get voters for their candidate.